Saturday, November 1, 2008

The air is stale with things unsaid

Oh how I love Halloween! It's so grand! This year turned out pretty fun! We all dressed up at school, and had a little party. I was Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. :) I was so excited! My hair was so cute, it was in a little french braids, then the ends were curled. So cute! We basically just sat around and got ready for the first 2 hours of school. Then student council started setting up, and I decided I didn't want to set up, and I officially didn't want to be on student council anymore. I felt bad and a bit guilty for not helping, but it was just something I had to do for myself. I have no time, and so much stress as it is, I don't need to pile anymore on myself. Plus it's not at all like student council should be where we vote on ideas, and do things as a team, so that really turned me off about it.

But the day turned out so fun, I went to Kneeders with Alex, Chynna, and Drew. It was so great! It's a lot like Paradise Bakery in Salt Lake, and I really miss that place, so it was nice. :) Then we came back to school, and played charades, I must admit it got a little boring after the first 20 min, but it was fun, then had costume contests, and a hot dog eating contest, then scary movies. It was pretty fun! :) I watched Prom Night. It was pretty messed up! All of the main character's close friends and family members died, it was really horrible!!!

After school Brea and I went to this Dreaded Grove in Pleseant Grove with her roommates, and their friend, who was quite cute and I must say we were flirting. :) It was fun! It's always nice to have a boy to hold onto when you get scared and freak out, and a guy with a chain saw is chasing you!

Then we rushed home so I could be there when Tim and his friend Andrew came over. We were planning on going to this castle place by the Mental Hospital to watch Sweeney Todd, but it was an outdoor thing, and it was raining, so we ended up just going to Elyse's to watch the movie. It was fun, I ended up playing with Elyse and Tim's hair the whole movie. Then we went back to Tim's car, and it wasn't there!!!! We all gasped and he called the tow company. They had it. His car was towed, and he had to pay $150 to get it back!!!! Seriously why is Provo so retarded??? Why is there NO where to park? I really don't understand.

It was a pretty relaxed, but fun halloween. :)

There are always so many parties, and fun activities to do on Halloween, it's so fun! I love seeing everyone's costumes, that's probably my favorite part. I saw some really good costumes this year! I was impressed. The only down side to halloween is that some girls take it as an excuse to look slutty and have a reason. It's so annoying!!! But once you get past that there are always tons of festivitites, and treats, loaded with friends, it's just a great holiday! I love it!

Here are some of the amazing, great, cute costumes i saw this year:
*Barbie and Ken, Barbie had ripped Ken's heart out and had it in her purse-Julie and husband
*Edward scissor hands-Keli
*The Joker (Heath Ledger style)-Violet
*Superheros-Becca and Brea
*Rainbow Brite-Jayce
*Harry Potter-Jessie
*Twister board-Alyssa
*Raggity Ann-Brea's roommate
*A cute pirate-Emily
*A black pimp-Sunny..who is Asian!!! HAHAHAHAHA!
*A Greek princess-Aubrey

Oh the joys of Halloween I love it!!!

1 comment:

BandonRandon said...

did you watch Sweening Todd? I just saw it like a week ago and didn't really like it. I liked the music and think I would enjoy the play but didn't enjoy the movie.