At the beginning of the year I made my yearly goals, and two of them are to be less critical, and more grateful. Well, ask and ye shall receive! Last night I was thinking about a specific person who has been quite the trial in my life lately, and I have been wondering why she has been particularly trying lately, I have been trying to just love her through her quirks and annoyances, but still sometimes I just can't help but get completely, utterly, miserably annoyed.
The sad thing is the situation reminds me of my relationship with my mother growing up, and that annoys me even more. Ever have those people in your life that just bug? Once someone has annoyed me I get to the point that I can't even stand to hear them breathe, talk, or even sleep. It's pretty bad. Obviously this is why my goal is to become less critical. It's SUPER HARD!
Anyway I was saying my prayers last night and I had an inspired epiphany! I asked for this trial! I asked to be less critical and more grateful. How could I learn to be less critical without a test subject? So morale of the story: be careful what you wish for...People always told me that, but it's really true! I always heard of horror stories about asking to be stronger, and getting intense trials, so I guess I should have seen it coming. In order to improve ourselves we need some kind of trying experience.
I hope I make it through this one, and come out less critical of others, and more grateful for my own knowledge, and strengths.
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