Saturday, March 12, 2011

Gotta tune your frequency to 106.ME so there's no distractions


2. Victoria's Secret lip gloss

3. Spearmint gum

4. OPI nail polish

5. Gilmore Girls

6. Sunglasses

7. Reversible clothes

8. Chick flicks

9. Charmed

10. Bachelor/Bachelorette

11. Hip Hop dancing

12. Friends

13. The gospel of Jesus Christ

14. Memories

15. Pictures

16. Chocolate covered prezels

17. Chocolate pudding packs

18. Poppyseed muffins

19. Pink Gerber Daisies

20. Dresses

21. Shoes

22. New Purses

23. Jewelery

24. Sunshine & Summertime

25. Sun Roofs

26. The Beach

27. Blankets/cuddling cozy

28. Matching polka dot rain boots and umbrella

29. New text messages

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