Sunday, March 13, 2011

Love is friendship on fire

Have you ever noticed how when your friends get married they disappear? Like there is a married only black hole that they get sucked into. So you don't hear from them for months, then suddenly they text you and say "GUESS WHAT? I'M PREGNANT!!!" They reappear for about 9 months, then you see them at the baby shower, then POOF! They disappear again!
I mean I get that when you get married things are different, but when I get married, I still want to have friends! Is that breaking some kind of married protocol? I dono...
Another thing about marriage that scares me is all of the horror stories, and trust me working at a salon you get to hear them all!!!
This one woman's husband was cheating on her for fifteen years! FIFTEEN YEARS?!?!?! I can't even imagine! I am so scared of getting married, and having the perfect little life, then one day waking up, and my husband doesn't love me anymore. How does that even happen. Obviously he stopped trying, and stopped working at the relationship. I guess quality #1 in a husband-hard worker! haha!
This was crazy: two women getting their hair done side by side had almost identical stories! Both of their husbands not only left them, but they were both due to drugs! Secret drug addicts, and the wives had no idea!
Almost daily at the salon I get told how lucky I am to be single. How sad is that? We live in such a scary time!!! This is one reason I don't get why people rush into marriage. You are in the "honeymoon stage" for almost two years (I'm not saying that you should date two years or anything...), therefore when you marry someone right off the bat, you don't even know the real them. You are still putting your best foot forward. It is just so scary to me to jump into such a big thing especially with so many divorces.
Anyway those are just my thoughts for the day on marriage. This little boy on the playground the other day said "Just do your best and listen to your heart." Great advice! haha

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