Monday, January 2, 2012

Downfall of the once common gentleman

I have been thinking a lot about how to catch a boy's attention. I am super bad at playing "the game." Usually I want what I want, and I go for it. When it doesn't work out I just move on, but I am sick of it. So after talking to Cynthia who is a firm believer in "the rules" I decided I need to implement something like that into my lure of the opposite sex. I have to make myself less available because if I don't more likely then not I end up the friend zone.

I am the kind of person that needs constant companionship...and I mean constant! When I get home from work the first thing I do is look for someone to talk to! If no one is home I start calling or texting my roommates wondering where they are. If I don't see friends frequently (which frequently to me is at the very least once a week) I literally miss them. I don't know why, that's just how I am, therefore it is SUPER hard for me to play hard to get, and distance myself from a boy I like. Inside all I want to do is talk to them constantly, and stay connected, but absence makes the heart grow fonder, so I will work on that.

Why don't men ask women out anymore? This is the real point of this blog. So often I have pondered this question whether alone, or with other eligible female friends, I have come to a conclusion! Ready? Here is my theory:
In the old days women were very dependent on men. Men held open doors, drove cars, worked to provide an income for the family, went to school to get an education, asked women on dates, proposed marriage, ect. Now a days, women are super independent (almost to a fault, myself definitely included) We do all of the things for ourselves that men took pride in doing for us, and when a decent man tries to step in an be what was once a common gentleman he is mocked, and ridiculed, sadly not only by his peers, but by the women he tries so hard to impress. As a result he stops trying, and lets the woman be independent, ask him on dates, and in some cases even propose marriage!

Obviously this is a generalization, but all of the equal rights demanded by our female friends immaculateness the males in our lives, to the point where it seems absurd to even try. Today frequently when a boy does something nice for a girl such as hold open a door the girl automatically thinks he is too overbearing and trying too hard. SAD! So sad! I will be the first to say that old time charm is a definite plus, however I feel like women need to learn to accept it.

When I was going to the business college my friend Rob and I hung out all of the time, and since we lived down town we walked pretty much everywhere we went, and when we would walk he would always move me to the inside of the sidewalk, so he was on the outside. This was so annoying to me! One day I was like why do you always push me over?! And he explained that he was brought up to do that as the gentlemanly thing to do. Whenever with his Mom, sister, or any female he always walks on the side of the sidewalk closest to the street because if a car drove by and splashed them it is better for the man to get wet.

I literally had to learn to let him do nice things for me. Sadly this is what our society has become, but I definitley believe it is worth it for boys to try, and for boys to encourage girls to let them do the gentlemanly thing. :) Morale of the story in the olden days boys asked girls out, and now a day they do not because girls scare them! haha! I just wish boys would try harder! haha!

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