Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Anyone driving faster then you is a maniac, and anyone driving slower then you is an idiot!

Alert! This just in! When the speed limit is 65 that means go 65!!!! PLEASE!!!! Not 55, not 60...65! AT LEAST! Nothing is more annoying then a car going a leisurely pace in the fast lane! I really do respect that you are not a maniac driver going 80, but I would really appreciate you going the speed limit! ESPECIALLY if you are going to pull out in front of me!

Also I have come to realize that people who brake excessively are like the boy that cried wolf. When they brake for an actual reason you don't believe you need to slow down. HOW ANNOYING! If the light is red, or someone pulls out in front of you that is what your brakes are for. People who hit them over and over and over, just make me want to pass them. SERIOUSLY Utah, learn how to drive! Thanks that is all!

1 comment:

Brooke Smith said...

Hahahah so true!! I hate getting stuck behind a car going 50 or 55mph on the freeway with a long string of cars also stuck behind it.