The Church of Jesus Christ
I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
I know who I am.
I know God’s plan.
I’ll follow him in faith.
I believe in the Savior, Jesus Christ.
I’ll honor his name.
I’ll do what is right;
I’ll follow his light.
His truth I will proclaim.
Words and music: Janice Kapp Perry, b. 1938. © children's songbook
I have been singing this song since I could talk, and the words have never rung truer to me until recently when faced with many friends who claim to live the gospel of Jesus Christ, and simply do not. There are so many people member of the church, or not who question the church, and it's truthfulness, or wonder if they can believe everything but that one controversial topic. My personal answer is no. "Who's on the lord's side who? Now is the time to tell." (LDS Hymn) we cannot be standing on the fense. We are either in or out. If we truly understand the gospel we would be able to make a choice, and accept the whole gospel. If we think we can believe only certain things we are not a true disciple of Jesus Christ. I was talking with a client who said "I could never practice a religion where I am told what to do." My response was simply, she must not understand the religion because The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is all about freedom, and choosing for yourself! Ignorance (and satan) would tell us that practicing religion leads to bondage.
Sunday someone brought up the story of the kites as told by Patricia Pinegar in the October 1999 conference report. The story tells of a dad flying kites with his young son. They let the string out bit by bit and the kite soared higher and higher until eventually they ran out of string. The boy begged the dad to cut the string so the kite can go even higher, and be free. The dad explains that if he did indeed cut the string the kite will crash to the ground. It's the string keeping the kite in the air. After much persuasion the dad cut the string to appease his son, and sure enough the kite dive bombs to the ground broken in many pieces.
Well cute story, but what does the kite have to do with the gospel? The string along with the tails keep the kite flying high and in control, just as the commandments help us live happy and protected lives, close to the spirit, and away from sin. The strings represent following the lord's commandments. If we cut the string, or stop keeping the commandments we are no longer in control, we give up that agency to sin, and temptation, and spiral downward towards satan.
It breaks my heart to hear people who view being a member of the LDS church restrictive, or stifling, I view it as freeing. There is no one forcing me to believe the things we learn in church, or general conference, It's all my choice. If I don't like something or agree with any point of doctrine I can research it on my own. If I don't agree I can leave at any time. It's all about making a stand, and following your passions! For me, my passion is living worthy of returning to God one day, and in order to do that I have to take the higher road, and rise above temptations, and the vein things of the world. Exchange the temporary satisfactions for the eternal life and happiness.
It's so infuriating to me when people don't stand up for what they believe in. Make a stand. Latter-day Saints are different. We are supposed to be. If we conformed to everything the word (aka Satan) wanted us to do our entire belief system would crumble. Our doctrine and beliefs are unchanging because we live God's eternal law, and are proud to do so! I am so grateful for my belief in a non-conformist religion.
I know the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true. I know that by following its teachings we will find a happiness we never knew existed. I know God's plan for his children is to be happy, and by following his plan, and living his gospel we will be much happier then living the way the world suggests we live. I know Joseph Smith restored the gospel in this, the latter-days. I am so grateful for his work in translating the Book of Mormon so that we could now read and learn another testament of Jesus Christ. I know the book of Mormon is a true account of ancient prophets on the American continent. I am so grateful for the Holy Ghost in my life, and the guiding light it has been, and continues to be. I know that President Thomas S. Monson holds all of the keys of the gospel and leads and guides this church as the mouthpiece of God. If we follow the leadership of the church we are doing God's will. I am so grateful for my membership in the church, and hope to always be an example of my savior Jesus Christ. I love him, and am so grateful for his eternal sacrifice making this whole earthy existence worth while, and atoning for my sins, as well as every single person who has ever walked the earth. I'm so grateful for his mercy, and understanding of our mortality. It is never too late to repent, and start or continue following our savior. We are allowed to make mistakes, and hopefully those mistakes make us stronger, and lead us back to Christ with a renewed belief, and faith in his teachings. My hope is that we can all be better examples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and shine so bright that there is no doubt that we follow our savior Jesus Christ.