Tuesday, December 30, 2008

When they nights are long they'll be easier together

Ok so basically I love Greenday! They have this one lyric that goes "Nice guys finish last, you're running out of gas..." Serious GENIUS right there! It is so true!!!! Nice guys finish last, and get screwed all the time. I mean sure blessings, yada yada (not to undermine blessings or anything). But in reality, your niceness is well nice, but it causes you to run out of gas. You suddenly have no gas, and no time because you spent all of your time and gas helping people out! :S HUM. Just a thought for the day I suppose.

Times turn, hearts disfigure, but that's not a concern when we're wounded together

I was just thinking about how ironic it is that people cause so much drama, but they are also the ones who help us get through the drama.

Think about it. John Doe makes Sally Sue really mad, and Sally Sue calls you and tells you about it, and then you get all involved in it: Drama.

Then Jake Doe makes you really mad, and you call Sally Sue and tell her about it, and get her all involved, and she tells you to egg Jake's car, and she'll do it with you: Drama, but somehow it feels better now after you egg Jake Doe's car!


You don't have to promise me the moon or the stars, just promise me you will stand under them with me

The old adage fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me resounds in my ears. Especially lately. I honestly give people way too many chances. After about the 3rd chance you can usually tell that a person is just going to disappoint you. For some reason I can't help but think they will change, or that maybe this time it will be different. I buy all of the stupid excuses, and get over it just to be hurt and disappointed again. WHY?!?!

I am the kind of person who when someone makes plans with me, I actually PLAN on it. Crazy I know! Who does that right? *SARCASM!!!** It really irritates me when people A. flake out on said plans, or B. don't even call to say they flaked out!

So kind of off topic, but not at the same time my friend just texted me and said "I hate boys" and I said me too, but why? and she said "Cause they play games and they leave you and they're mean and they break down your self esteem. They don't call when they say they will, I'm glad I have a dog, who needs a boy."

Honestly! I HATE HATE HATE the game! I don't think that love should be a game you play like monopoly or clue! It should be as simple as I like you, you like me, let's like each other! Somehow it gets complicated along the way. I am the kind of person who wears my heart on my sleeve. I try so hard not to go all in, but at the same time I can't help it. I get attached really easily, so it's really hard for me to get over things.

How frustrating! I just want to be able to be like a boy, and be like oh, I'll just make out with her, then not call her for a week. Then make plans with her, and make her think I like her, then never talk to her again. THEN have a DTR and say I'm confused, and that I don't want a relationship right now THEN have a girlfriend 3 days later!

I am loving that Beyonce song Like a Boy. It is so true!!! They have nothing to worry about, somehow along with missing the brain gene, they also are missing the emotion gene. When things like this happen to them they don't care, and they get over it, while us girls are stuck mulling over every little detail of what went wrong trying to figure out what WE did to make THEM change, and why when things were so good one day, did they suddenly take a turn for the worst and dive bomb?

I really don't even know what I want right now. Basically I just want to date I think. At the same time I also really want the companionship that comes with having a boyfriend. I really love to cuddle, and hug, and kiss, and I want someone to share that with. I am sick of always getting stuck in the friend zone.

And honestly how in the world can you think it's ok to go around making plans then not only not following through, but not even calling to say you won't be there! How can you NEVER call a girl, and just text her. I mean I like texting just as much as the next girl, but enough is enough! You DO NOT text me and ask me on a date, you DO NOT only communicate through text with me! Pick up the phone and call me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

UGH! Why are boys so utterly confusing? Why are they so incredibly STUPID?!