Thursday, April 21, 2011

Though some days may disappoint us, there is light at the end of each night

We have had so many great institute forums lately! I love it! I am going to share the last one by David Osmond. He has had an extraordinary life, and he was so refreshing! He said " Don't ask yourself 'why me' unless you want to ask why all of the good things happend to you too." I love that thought, sometimes we get caught up in pity parties asking how could this happen to me? I'm a good person, yada yada, but really, so many great and wonderful things happen to each of us every day, so we should be counting our blessings more often, and minimizing the bad things because life is full of bumps and bruises, and tests and trials, as David Osmond's father said "life is tough, but so are you!" He mentioned that TESTimony is so important. It is totally a result of our tests and trials through life. I loved that thought! It is so wonderful to remember why we are here in this life. We are here to learn and to get back to our father in heaven.
Goals were also a subject of discussion, David said "Most people don't meet their goals because they aim too high and they miss, but when they aim low they hit the target." I loved this! It is so true, how easy is it to make a basket when you are playing with one of those kiddy basketball hoops, but then when you face the real thing it is a little more difficult, and takes more practice, and concentration.
The best thing David said is "There is joy to be had!" I love that. He was referring to life in the gospel and the joy it brings, and it is so true! There is sooooo much joy to had! It is ripe for the taking! AH! I love it!!! He quoted "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience." I love that quote so much! It totally puts things into perspective of why we are here, and what we have to accomplish.
The last quote that really hit me was one that I'd heard before too. It is "the church is not a retreat for the saints, it's a hospital for the sinners."
To end my little David Osmond rant I want you to read they lyrics to his song. I want to just buy all of his music!!! He is soooo amazing!!! This song is so powerful, and really puts life into perspective.

Loneliest Walk-David Osmond
"She pushes 'L' on that old elevator door
Her heart is broken, arms are bare
The doors are closing and she's staring at the floor
There's still a piece of her up there

It seems like yesterday she saw him on the screen
Painted a room and picked out names
But now she has to leave him under big machines
To keep alive his tiny frame
She's on the way to her car but it's never felt this far

With each step she takes there's another to follow
And one more ache, one more tear to swallow
She's gotta keep moving,
Forget about the bruising inside
Through the loneliest walk of her life

He pushes up his glasses, staring at her name
One last time before he leaves
He saw this coming but to see it now, engraved
It's still so hard to believe

It seems like yesterday they kissed and made their vows
Her favorite flowers in her hair
He's staying later than they normally allow
Clutching those flowers in a prayer
And on the way to their front door, no hand to hold there anymore

With each step he takes there's another to follow
And one more ache, one more tear to swallow
He's gotta keep moving,
Forget about the bruising inside
Through the loneliest walk of his life
He pushes up the board they've tied onto his shoulders
He bears, with dignity, disgrace
He hears the jeering and the wind is getting colder
Tastes the blood upon his face

His body bruised an back still open from the scourges
The consequence of wicked men
He knows no man on earth has ever deserved this
But still He bears it all for them
And He keeps moving up the hill to do His Father's will

With each step He takes there's another to follow
And one more ache, one more tear to swallow
We all stand by and watch as the price is paid
Through the loneliest walk of His life
So we don't feel alone in the night
We can have His hand holding the light
Through the loneliest walk of our lives.
Keep pushing through this lonely walk you're going through
'Cause someone's walked this way before

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