Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Don't push your luck, don't get more then your hopes up

So random thoughts I feel like when I was younger I didn't realize that people were very different, and have different personality traits. I just thought all people working behind counters at stores were professional, and all customers were just normal professional adults. I have sadly learned throughout my almost 24 years of life that people are all very different. I know we have been taught since first grade that people are different, but I am not talking differences like I have green eyes, and brown hair while you have blue eyes and black hair, I am talking personality differences.

Annoying life altering differences! People are lazy, unobservant, rude, inconsiderate, ditsy, slow ect. Some people just don't think things through, and are total morons! They don't warn you about these frustrating people in first grade!

After reading books like the Five Love Languages, and The Color Code where personality types, and needs of people are discussed I feel like I have become even more aware of the wide differences in personalities. I can totally peg someone's personality pretty well just by talking to them once. People are just really frustrating sometimes.

I feel like I am pretty level headed, conciseness, and observant, thus when people are not any of those things it really irks me! I was venting to a friend about how I always have my Cosmoprof or Costco card ready before I even go into the store where I need it. Sure everyone misplaces things sometimes, but some people I deal with NEVER have ANYTHING! Even worse then taking 20 minutes rifling through your purse to find it is not even having it at all, then acting like a mega B and so inconvenienced that now I have to look up your information. BE PREPARED PEOPLE OF THE WORLD!

My history teacher always said "Failure to plan on your part does not constitute and emergency on mine." When he would say that I would just think to myself, yeah yeah, whatever, but now that I am in the real world and dealing with totally irresponsible people I totally know what he meant, and why he ingrained that into our little high school brains! it is a very vital key to being a responsible contributing member of society!

My biggest petpeeve is irresponsible people! I have no idea why I am so conscientious, or how I even came to be like this, but I feel like I am alone in my plight! I feel like the standards I set for myself and society's standards are very different! It is super frustrating! Is it my age group? Will things get better with age? What do I have to look forward to? Older morons, or people who go throughout life with actual brains and respect in their heads?

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