Wednesday, August 29, 2012

You don't have to live forever, you just have to live...and she did!

So...I have a ton to do in the ward right now...I am the Ward Communications Specialist, Temple co-chair, and Relief Society teacher. I love each of my callings, don't get me wrong, but I just don't understand how of the 200 people in our ward I have three callings. Why can't people just step up to the plate. I mean I understand that there are followers and leaders in the world, but it's just a little frustrating being a leader, and wanting to get things done, and being one of the only ones who actually gets things done. Prime example...I got three calls and texts last weekend about FHE, I am not on the FHE committee, and I have no idea what's going on with that. Why did I get these calls and texts? Because the people in charge didn't respond. So what ended up happening was I helped the co-chair from the Murray ward totally plan FHE. I mean, it was fun, and I had a good time, and I don't want to see FHE get canceled AGAIN, but it's just a little ridiculous how things work out sometimes. Anyway I just wish people weren't such slackers, and that when push comes to shove, and you receive a calling, that you actually DO the calling! That's all a good ward needs, is functioning committees with members who do their part.

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