Sunday, March 16, 2008

While couples in love in the HOV fly by

I grew up in a world where when things broke, you fixed them, if something's dirty you clean it, if something's full you empty it. I just don't understand why that is such a hard concept to grasp. It makes perfect sense to me. Lately my house has been a major pig sty, not because of me mind you, because my roommates suddenly forgot how to clean up after themselves. I don't mind taking turns doing the tidying, but if I am the only one cleaning, doing dishes, and fixing things, I get a little...well irritated.

Relationships are supposed to be 50/50, give/take. In this particular situation I am giving 100% and and receiving NOTHING in return. I do all of their dishes, the courteous thing would be for them to do my dishes at least once right? As if to say thanks Jess! I cleaned out the refrigerator last night...that was an adventure! There was expired things from '06 in there! EW!!! I threw away a WHOLE garbage bag of grossness. All the while Liz and Thomas watched TV.

The most rewarding thing was when Kyle came home and was like wow! Jess did you clean out the refrigerator??! I was like ya! Thanks for noticing. This is just another thing that gets annoying. If something you buy goes bad...throw it out!!! Don't just leave it in there rotting! EW! I really wonder how these girls will do in homes of their own. I (their apparent maid) won't be there to clean up their messes anymore.

Current annoyances.....
1. DISHES!!!! We made this "Do your own" rule and it seems that the only one following it is me! I try to teach them a lesson and not do their dishes, but then once it gets incredibly bad I just can't stand it anymore and do them all. It is just so irritating!!! Then it's worse on me because I have to do dishes for over an hour! And then they don't even put them away the next day! It's not hard at all to do your dishes. Every single glass in our cupboard was dirty before I did them just now. That is a little out of control!
2. Garbage. When it gets full take it out. Don't pile more trash, be responsible and take it out! Who do you think takes out the garbage? Keli? Liz? How about Thomas or Kyle? Nope! Jessica...EVERY SINGLE TIME! It is so annoying! They just let things get SOOO bad! Do something, be proactive! If you have time to sit there and make out on the lovesac, you have time to take out the trash!
3. Leaving things on when they leave. If you aren't using a light, turn it off. If you leave the house turn everything off. I really don't want an extreme bill, so why don't they just do us all a favor and turn out lights and turn off the thermostat. Whenever I leave a room I turn off the light. Time after time I'll come home to every light on, the heater on full blast, and not a soul at home. Or better yet they will be in their rooms with all the lights on and the TV. Gosh darn kids! Didn't your mothers teach you???
4. Blasting the heat. First of all it is not a good idea to turn the heat on full blast...I would never go past 80 degrees! Turning it all the way up will not make you warmer faster! Set the thermostat and leave it alone. Liz for some reason likes to be roasting hot and always cranks up the heat. Then I am sweating up a storm because of it. At least we could have some common ground and meet somewhere in the middle. Plus you are wasting electricity, or however heat is made!
5. Suddenly gaining 2 new roommates. I love Kyle and Thomas, but seriously if you are going to practically live here too clean the freak up after yourselves! The reason our house is so messy is because we suddenly have 2 boys over constantly. If they come over, and make a mess Liz and Keli are responsible for cleaning up after them, not me! Who in the world ever said I was mom, and that I would clean up, but for some reason that is exactly what is happening!
6. People stealing my stuff. Towels namely. I go to take a shower and the towel I swear I put there is gone. What the heck?!?! I am like scared to hang my towels up! Who does that? And if I buy things, they are for me, don't use my stuff or eat my food unless you ask me. I am not a rich little girl here, I have very limited funds and am living on a strict budget and it sucks! I don't want to be buying more because you ate mine!
7. General lack of uncleanliness. When the house gets dirty clean. Pull out the vacuum, dust the TV off, clean up your shoes and clothes, really. Instead I'll give you one guess at what happens? House gets dirty, Jessica cleans and organizes. The laundry room was a disaster area, Keli takes it over with her smelly, dirty clothes, there are constantly clothes on top of the dryer, you have to maneuver the dial through her clothes! Its ridiculous! One day I cleaned the whole room. It sparkled! I even moped, guess what, it's dirty again consumed with Keli's clothes everywhere! UGH!
8. Cables and cords all over the house. I understand that Liz works at home, and needs it, but she has been so inconsiderate about the internet and all of the cords. I mean I live here too, I pay for the internet too! Show some love, or at least clean up your mess. It's consuming our house!

I think all of these annoyances are arising because it has been too good living with Liz and Keli. Now all of a sudden I can't wait for them to move out. Then I can once again have 2 roommates-not 4.

And in closing, don't get my wrong! I love them all and I love living with them, it's just becoming unbearable and annoying lately!


Anonymous said...

maybe thats why everyone hates being your roommmate

Anonymous said...

jk stop cleaning up after them and then see what happens... or charge for your maid service haha

MWilde said...

Yuck! I had a roommate like that once. It is no fun.
Sorry I didn't get to say Hi to you the other day. I was with Dan's brother, Nathan. I think he's going to go to LDSBC in the fall before his mission.
Anyway, Dan says Hi! Hope everything is going well.