Thursday, February 3, 2011

It's better to be home alone, then to be home and wish you were alone

Guilty pleasure: The Bachelor! I freaking LOVE that show. Some may say, "Jessica, it's all staged, it's a drama fest, and you don't go onto a TV show to find love." To all of you nay sayers out there I have a little something for you: Let me have my weekly addiction in peace please! This season the bachelor Brad is HOT! Plus he has a Texas accent which equals EVEN HOTTER! They are playing up this whole he went through therapy, and he's a reformed man thing so hard core that it is on the verge of annoying. Also girls, SUCK IT UP AND STOP CRYING! I am sick of seeing girls every single episode sobbing off their mascara! Other then that I love Emily! I like how she doesn't fling herself all over Brad all the time like some of the other girls do. She just waits patiently with a smile on her face for her to come to him. It totally works too! He always comes and makes sure she knows he is interested. Sadly I don't think she will last because she won't allow him in. I mean why would he choose someone who's walls he has to break down when there are so many other girls ready to start a relationship right now with no baggage. It's sad because I really do love her and I think she is the sweetest one on the show.
Also shout out to Ashley who went home this week. She seriously is the second sweetest! I loved how she was nice to everyone, and tried to make everyone feel happy, and didn't treat it so much like a game. Honestly, there is no reason to be competitive. You have to work on your relationship with Brad, not just back stab all of the other girls! Anyway, LOVE it, can't wait to see how it all plays out!!!!!

PS I freaking LOVE Chris Harrison! FAVORITE!

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