Thursday, February 3, 2011

Just for the record, the weather today is slightly sarcastic with a good chance of rain

I have always been jealous of bears because they get to hibernate through the entire winter, and wake up when it's warm outside again! I was thinking about how much I hate winter, and cold, and I guess I do my own form of hibernation I didn't even realize it! It is so cold that no one wants to do anything or go anywhere, all I ever want to do is cuddle up with a blanket (and possibly a boy), watch a movie, and drink hot chocolate! YUMMY!!! What could be better then that!? Well until it's warm outside again, and the weather is great, you can wear flip flops again that is! Okay well that's my rant about winter...hate it! haha! Good news, I've watched TONS of movies this winter!

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