Sunday, August 10, 2008

I'm just a kid and life is a nightmare!

Ok so why is it that whenever I get really excited about something and tell everyone I know it never works out! I hate that! I mean it only happens in situations in which I don't have full control of course, but it inevitably happens and it drives me crazy! I was supposed to go on this date with this guy that I was totally excited to go out with. I told everyone how amazing it was, and how excited I was. But then the day of he canceled! WHY oh why does stuff like this happen! I don't get it! If I had kept my yap shut, and not told anyone would it have still happened? Probably, but you never do know. And that sucks! Why can't great things just happen even though they don't want to happen? UGH! I just hate being disappointed! It is the WORST feeling in the world!

1 comment:

BandonRandon said...

See, that's just the way life goes sometimes. I'm finding the solution is to just not talk about things and keep them to yourself. I used to get really excited and talk about things but the down side is people will go "how was your date" then you have to explain that he canceled and listen to their "oh I'm sorry, you poor thing" this is why i don't say anything then i don't have to deal with it. Yet if I did go on a date with him and someone says something as simple as "how are you" i can then say "great just went on a date with a cute boy..."

I dunno just my thoughts.
<3 BRD