Sunday, August 10, 2008

*Whistle *Whistle *Sarah fingers!!!!

Alright people confession time! Ok so I know this about myself. I get really mad and irritated really easily. It's true I do. BUT on that same token I also get over things really easily. Usually all I want is a simple apology or some kind of recognition. As soon as I have that I am totally over it. But sometimes I feel like people think I am constantly mad at them! It drives me crazy! I mean I don't want people to think Oh can't do this, or Jessica will get mad, but at the same time, I kind of just want what I want. Haha I guess that's just part of being a complicated girl, and I'm sorry. But anyway, morale of the story, if you make me mad just acknowledge it!

1 comment:

BandonRandon said...

I'm the same way except as of late I'm realizing more and more how passive aggressive i am about things. But I'll get mad not saying anything then be fine ten minutes later. Oh the joys of emotion!

<3 BRD