Wednesday, January 2, 2008

There is no best!

People always say "oh you are the best at that!" or "I am the best at this!" but you know what? That is not true!!! I believe that there will always be someone better. I was walking to work today, and I was walking at a pretty brisk pace, but then someone passed me up on the side, and I thought, wow...there will always be someone faster then me. There will always be someone smarter, prettier, stronger, with more style, poise, love, generosity, organization, charisma, charm, likability, creativity, integrity, gospel knowledge, proficiency, grace, kindness, more charitable, more innocence, ect. ALWAYS! I think that I am pretty proficient in some things, but there will always be someone better. Someone with more shoes, more clothes, more jewelry, more picture than me (I know, hard to believe huh?)!

The thing we have to realize is that it is not a bad thing!!! It pushes us to do better, be better, and let go of things that hold us back in order to succeed! When I see people better than me at things I don't think "oh gosh, overachiever!" Instead I think wow, I admire that! And I strive to seek after being what they have become, with as much discipline as they have demonstrated. It helps me become more driven, and try harder.

I encourage each of you to obtain this mindset! DON'T strive to be THE best! Strive to be YOUR best!!! Just remember as there will ALWAYS be someone better, you will ALWAYS be better than someone as well!!! haha

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