Monday, January 21, 2008

Yakity yack! Don't talk back! hehe

So sometimes I really feel like I am not the same level of my outgoing, talkative self all the time. I do have a shy side. When I am out of my element and first meeting someone or a group of people I am more reserved. I don't speak up unless I am asked questions, or directly addressed. On the other hand it is like a whole different ball game when I am with close friends, family, or co-workers. When I know someone really well I am like an open book. Outgoing, fun, and friendly. It is so weird that the same outspoken, friendly girl is also an insecure quiet observer.

Sometimes I really like to just sit and listen. I love to share stories and advice I have learned, but I really love listening to other people's problems, and trying to work through them. I will always be there for a friend to vent to me, but on that same token I will always need someone to vent to...or a few people. :) Thanks if you have ever been that ear, or some day will be!

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