Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Tragic death and full moon parties

First of all Heath Ledger died!!! I cannot believe it!!! AH! How could this happen??? Ok well apparently he OD'd on some prescription drugs. Through his death I also found out that he had a daughter. Sad. Hollywood lifestyle I suppose, but is that an excuse for living an erotic life off screen? On screen he was a HOT Australian man who won my heart over and over! I own two movies staring Heath! 10 Things I Hate About You, and A Knight's Tale. I guess in that sense he will live on forever. I just can't believe A. that he is dead, and B. that he was so out of control in real life!!! It is so disappointing!

That was somehow just the beginning of my odd drug/alcohol to speak...

I really am sheltered, and naive to the ways of the world. I live in this little world where I only see good, and associate myself with good. (which is good!) I know there is bad in the world mind you, just not so close to me. It's as if I am in my own little Mormon bubble. Then night's like tonight happen and snap me back to reality! Is it good? Is it bad? I don't really know, but it definitely opens my eyes!

Tonight my gay friend had a house warming/full moon party. :) I was so excited to see him again, I hadn't seen him since like Halloween! So I went! Yay! We got there and everyone but 3 of us were drinking. It was so weird to me. In my little LDSBC/Lion House/Church circle I have not been around alcohol since...well the last time I hung out with him at his house! haha I am so lucky in my life to never have been pressured into trying any form of drugs and alcohol. My friends all know my standards, and what I will and won't do. I WILL NOT drink, smoke, or pop anything anywhere!

One time a few friends and I were hanging out, and they all decided to take shots. The guys of the house proceeded to ask if my friend Jessica and I wanted a shot. I went to say no, but before I could get the two letters out of my mouth, Jessica chimed in "Jessica won't drink anything, so no use even trying to get her to. She doesn't give in to peer pressure." That meant so much to me, Jessica will never know! She not only knew and respected my standards, but made sure everyone else did too! I am so thankful for the great friends I have!

So back to tonight...alcohol was not the only topic of discussion...oh no...Drugs quickly came up. Some responded oh we only smoke when we drink (I was like hey! that's a country song!!!! haha in my head of course!!! "She only smokes when she drinks, she only drinks when she smokes...hehe") Then the question of tobacco or MJ... To that one responded that if anyone wanted any MJ his friend just got back from some state and she had a ton. Drug dealing right before my eyes!!! (I've seen it in action on trax before though!!! Scary stuff!!!)

I really don't know how people do that to themselves. I am not going to lie though I have secretly wanted to try some sort of mixed drink (they look so colorful and fun!) know the experimental, irrational, daring part of my brain...but then the good wholesome part yells at me...ARE YOU CRAZY!!?? And that my friend is always the end of that battle. :)

I have never had any desire for any sort of smoking though! Not even when the cousin I idolized growing up took up smoking cigarettes. After she started doing that I slowly lost respect for her, even though I still loved her, I just did not see her in the same eyes. I have to take this opportunity to thank my parents. I hope that my kids will be as fortunate as I have been to spend a lifetime of being drug free. (after all it's the way to be!)

And with that I am off to bed at this happy hour of 3:00 am...good thing I get to sleep in!


Anonymous said...

Good post. You don't really want one of those colorful mixed drinks. Just think of those cheap sugary drinks like Sqeeze-its and mix it with some sour, rotted barley water that has been sitting in an old boot for about 3 months. SICK. That, my dear, does not sound appealing.

Elyse said...

Lyric correction

"She only smokes when she drinks, she only drinks now and then, now and then when she's tired of being let down by him..."

I couldn't resist.